De winnaar van onze grote 'Terug-Win-Actie 2024' is bekend! Proficiat aan Smeijers Kwinten 🥳
MAXIMUM POWER - 60V 53Ah Talaria Sting Battery L1E/MX3/MX4
Enduro Trail Ride Time: 3-4 hours
Full Charge: 67v
Empty Charge: 44v
Over E-WATT Talaria-batterijen:
** Wij bieden deze Batterijen aan louter als service naar onze SUR-RON klanten toe. Vanwege de extreem lage marges en import taxen op deze batterijen zijn wij genoodzaakt 3% extra bankkosten aan te rekenen indien u de batterij zou betalen met een Creditcard zoals Visa, Mastercard, American express...
Usage Warning
These high-powered batteries and controller kits are intended for off road riding using on/off throttle, not continuous throttle applications. Modifying e-motos with these controllers and tunes make them illegal to ride on the road. After installing an aftermarket controller and getting a high-powered tune, you are running the risk of damaging your motor. Even with our motor temperature protection enabled, it is still possible to damage your motor if you push the motor outside of its limits. To ensure you do not cause damage to your motor, follow the advice below: