De winnaar van onze grote 'Terug-Win-Actie 2024' is bekend! Proficiat aan Smeijers Kwinten 🥳
Get some extra juice for your Sur-Ron Ultra Bee Electric Bike with this 74V 55Ah Lithium Battery. Slots straight into your current bike, no setup required. Great spare to have for those extra long trips or extra weekend fun!....
** Wij bieden deze Batterijen aan louter als service naar onze SUR-RON klanten toe. Vanwege de extreem lage marges en import taxen op deze batterijen zijn wij genoodzaakt 3% extra bankkosten aan te rekenen indien u de batterij zou betalen met een Creditcard zoals Visa, Mastercard, American express...
** We only offer these Batteries as a service to our SUR-RON customers. Due to the extremely low margins and import taxes on these batteries, we are forced to charge an additional 3% bank costs if you would pay for the battery with a credit card such as Visa, Mastercard, American Express...